There is a quote that has largely defined my life.
When I have a choice to make – it helps me decide.
My dad used to say to me, “Anyone can be an example. Choose to be a GOOD ONE.”
It was important to him and my mom that I was a force for good for those around me, just as they were.
This quote would pop up in my mind when I had a choice to make in high school and college, and it usually helped me choose kindness or make correct decisions.
I used this quote with my daughter recently.
It came out like second nature.
Interestingly, the quote originally came from my grandpa Nelson, who passed away in 2012.
He was a kind and funny man – just like my dad.
Now, 12 years later – I’m teaching my kids the exact quote from their great-grandpa, whom they never met.
This quote got me thinking about his legacy.
ā¤ļø His legacy has definitely outlived him.
To take a line from the quote, it is “a GOOD ONE.”
ā Most clients we work with want to ensure their legacy is passed on to their kids and grandkids.
ā Leaving their heirs money is nice, but most of our clients want to leave a real legacy.
ā¢ Help them pair their legacy
ā¢ With smart money management
ā¢ So their legacy and money last generations
ā Have you thought about your legacy?
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