The Longest Bull Market in S&P 500 History In the Wall Street Journal on Tuesday August 22, 2018 there was an interesting article that included the picture below (Fig 1) showing the S&P 500 Index on the verge of becoming the longest S&P 500 bull market ever. It has now

Dealing with Market Volatility: Riding the Escalator While Playing with a Yo-yo   I hope your summer is off to a great start. Summer has rolled into Texas and temps have begun to rise, but thankfully football season will be here before we know it. This year has been flying

Investment Tips for Regular People

Our previous post discussed some tips for financial planning, for a regular person. While those tips spoke about finances in general, here we are going to get into the nitty gritty, and deal specifically with tips for investing. Letā€™s jump right in, and get started! Thinking of paying off debt

Mills Wealth Advisors - Relative Performance of Equity Funds

I think this one graph shows why we use DFA’s methodology. I believe DFA’s evidence-based approach, has worked, is still working, and should work in the future. In investing many costs are hidden, and DFA’s low turnover approach handily beats most higher-cost investment options (even if that cost is hidden

Mills Wealth Advisors - financial market

We received a really good question that I wanted to share with all of our clients and those who follow us online. ā€œAn old and trusted indicator in the bond market is warning about possible trouble ahead in the economy and the stock market. What should I do?ā€ In the

Mills Wealth Advisors - Dimensional Fund Advisors News

One of the leading sources for large institutional endowments and pension fund managers is the trade journal Pensions and Investments. It recently featured Dimensional Fund Advisors in its publication link here. I think this article speaks highly of Dimensional Fund Advisors’ methodology, results, and future prospects. The article highlights several

Mills Wealth Advisors - Q2 Market Review 2017

Dear clients, I hope your summer vacations are going well and that you are enjoying time with your families. I wanted to give you a brief update on the quarterā€™s performance and provide some links to our ever-evolving website and blog. We recently posted some content that you might enjoy; the links

Investment Tips for Regular People - Mills Wealth Advisors

ā€œFinancial Planningā€ā€¦. Such a scary term. Many people hear those words and have one of two reactions. ā€œFinancial Planning? Yeah, I know the basics, but it just takes so much to get it going, Iā€™m not sure itā€™s worth it. I also donā€™t have the time to be online all

Mills Wealth Advisors - Best Finance Movies

For many people the subject of investing is dry and dull, but these top 10 finance movies portray real life events in a way that is educational and entertaining. My takeaway from most of these movies is that greed runs amuck in markets and the best way to win is

Mills Wealth Advisors - Hedge Funds Stock

Should I buy a hedge fund? ā€œAccording to The New York Times, investors are flocking to funds that mimic hedge fund strategies ā€” like long/short and global macro ā€” hoping the extra diversification will help them avoid getting wiped out again. (Alternative bond funds are especially popular this year, as