In Today’s world, a world without pensions and worries about the future of Medicare and Social Security, saving for your retirement is a critical part of financial planning, and for many people, a 401(k) plan is a large component of that plan. A 401(k) plan allows individuals to save money

DOWNLOAD THE PDF As most of you are aware, 2022 has been a tough investing climate in the market. It is rare that both stocks and bonds do poorly at the same time. The last time this happened was almost 2 decades ago in 1994, and only bonds ended the

Government Shutdown – Will My Portfolio Go Down? You may have asked your advisor this question, googled this question, or just plain wondered “will my portfolio go down if the government shuts down?” The answer to this question is, probably not. This does not mean that you should not concern

Have you ever wondered if you are paying too much for your investments? If so, you’re not alone. We have clients come to us to be a second set of eyes on their portfolio and ask this quite often. The short of it is, maybe. You have to make sure

I read an article today that I think reflects what we are thinking at Mills Wealth Advisors right now. Now, I don’t agree with 100% of what was written, but the main premise I agree with very much. We have been having many conversations with clients about their current

DOWNLOAD THE PDF In the update below, you will find the following links that will direct you to the topics and resources we have assembled for your benefit. I hope you find it informative and useful. If you have an extra second, read Section III: Around the MWA Office for

If you are going to buy a new printer, I wouldn’t recommend you go talk with your attorney about which printer is best (unless you are worried about your liability). Yes, attorneys use printers probably more than any other professional you know, but are they qualified to tell you which

Download the PDF With the end of the year approaching, tax planning is probably high on your list of things to do. We wanted to share some thoughts for you to consider before December 31st. Below are some of the ideas we have: Contributions to Qualified Retirement Accounts: Reduce

Download the PDF We wanted to address a recent client question that we thought made a great point. “If the S&P500 rises 7.71% this quarter and my account is up only 2% over the same quarter, am I losing out on return and is going to hurt my chances of

Staring Down a Bear Our Thoughts on the Markets Insight into MWA Rebalancing Methodology Understanding the Mechanics of a Client Question, “Am I losing out?” What’s Going on around the Mills Wealth Office […]