“The market is smarter than we are, no matter how smart we get, we will never be smarter."
Professor Kenneth French

At Mills Wealth Advisors, we believe that academics and education are the best sources of reliable financial information. Our investment philosophy is to design prudent financial strategies that integrate and optimize protection and accumulation of wealth. We strive to provide clients with the highest level of service and technical expertise in the management and preservation of multi-generational wealth. We put our client’s interest first, act with honesty and integrity, and strive for excellence in every facet of our practice. As Certified Financial Planner™ Professionals, we are firmly committed to the financial planning process.

Our CORE+ portfolios are based on Nobel Prize-winning academic research suggesting evidence-based investing over active management can help clients best achieve their financial goals. We determine your investment objectives, risk tolerance, and other relevant information at the beginning of our advisory relationship. According to your risk tolerance and investing objectives we may invest your assets according to one or more model portfolios developed by our firm. Our portfolios are built using different public and private options available in the marketplace to accomplish your financial objectives.

Public markets provide good returns yet few capture the returns offered.

Diversification is the only free lunch in investing and more is typically better.  Diversification helps reduce uncertainty and capture the returns global markets offer.

Academics have identified specific asset types that offer higher risk adjusted returns that can be reliably captured over time with prudent portfolio construction.

Academics are the best source of reliable financial information as they are only incentivized to explain the way the world works, we monitor academia for its best ideas.