Maximize Profit Before and After Your Sale

Transform your years of hard work into a lasting legacy with expert-guided exit strategies before you sell.

“Exit planning is simply good business strategy” – Chris Snider

Is Your Business Ready To Sell?

The Mills Wealth team can help you prepare to sell your business, with a focus on maximizing value and preparing for your next great adventure.

1. Understand Your Goals

We take the time to listen and understand your vision for your business, your personal financial objectives, and your timeline for transition.

2. Assemble Your Exit Team

We'll assist you in creating a skilled team of experts to execute your plan, including attorneys and accountants.

3. Develop a Comprehensive Plan

We'll create a detailed exit plan that addresses key aspects such as business valuation, tax implications, succession planning, and wealth management.

4. Maximize Business Value

Maximizes profits before sale and will maximize your multiple in a sale. This approach ultimately allows you to create the legacy you've been working for.

5. Implement and Adapt

As Certified Exit Planning Advisors, we understand that with every well-laid plan, there are always roadblocks and hiccups.

Exit Your Business With Ease

Gain a clear understanding of your exit options and the steps needed to achieve your personal & financial goals.

Increase your business’s worth through strategic planning and implementation. Target specific KPIs aimed at multiplying value.
Protect your hard-earned wealth through strategies that prioritize tax savings over the long-term. 
Ensure a seamless transition of ownership and leadership for the legacy and success of your business.

Exit Planning: Key Players and Their Roles

This guide explains the roles of each key player involved in exit planning to help you be more familiar with the players and their roles.

Business Owners: Don’t Make This Costly Mistake

As an advisor with over a decade of experience, there is one mistake that I have seen happen over and over again, and that in my mind is an easy

How to Create an Effective Exit Plan

Creating a well-defined exit plan is an essential strategy for every business owner, providing a roadmap for transitioning out of their company. An exit plan not only outlines how and

Your business is your legacy. Let's ensure it's a lasting one.

Click below to schedule a consultation with our exit planning experts. Together, we’ll create a plan that secures your financial future and honors the legacy you’ve built.