Congratulations! You’ve applied, interviewed, maybe negotiated a few details on your contract, and have finally signed the dotted line on your offer letter. And then it hits you – changing jobs isn’t easy. Sure, it’s exciting – and certainly worth celebrating! – but it also can be a very
What is an estate plan? Questions this article will help you answer: What is an estate plan? What is included in an estate plan? What are some benefits of an estate plan? How do I get started? One of the most overlooked aspect of a person’s financial plan can
Download the PDF Is there Still Value in Value Investing? January 15, 2021Stephen Nelson, CFP® I read an article recently that I thought was very good, I’d like to share some thoughts on it. It coincides with part of our philosophy on investing. It’s regarding the value premium, which has
DOWNLOAD THE PDF The year 2020 proved to be one of the most tumultuous in modern history, marked by a number of developments that were historically unprecedented. But the year also demonstrated the resilience of people, institutions, and financial markets. The novel coronavirus was already in the news early in
What A Difference A Quarter Makes Download the PDF In the investment world, Wall Street has been known to prey on investor’s relatively short memory of the past, but I would like to remind you of Dec 25th, 2018, barely 100 days ago. Markets appeared to be in free fall
I found this article on the web the other day and thought it was very timely. It’s probably a 5 minute read. Enjoy! -Mike
Download the PDF Each quarter we put together a PowerPoint detailing how different markets performed over the last quarter. You will notice that Q1 of 2019 was a great quarter. One of the best the US and much of the world has seen (especially in a long time). To see
Here are some tips to jump-start your journey toward financial fitness this fall. Examine, or re-examine, your goals Many people struggle with commitment to a financial plan, but that is usually for one simple reason: Their financial goals were disconnected from their values. The best start to a financial fitness
Our previous post discussed some tips for financial planning, for a regular person. While those tips spoke about finances in general, here we are going to get into the nitty gritty, and deal specifically with tips for investing. Let’s jump right in, and get started! Thinking of paying off debt
Private Markets, Are they the right investment for you? Private markets have been shown to offer a premium to public equity markets because of their higher perceived risk and general lack of liquidity. Should qualified investors with a high net worth buy into private markets? This article will look at