DOWNLOAD THE PDF In the update below, you will find the following links that will direct you to the topics and resources we have assembled for your benefit. I hope you find it informative and useful. If you have an extra second, read Section III: Around the MWA Office for

thumbnail of Q3 Market Review Slides

DOWNLOAD THE PDF Each quarter we put together a PowerPoint detailing how different markets performed over the last quarter. You will notice that in Quarter 3 of 2021 each equity market was DOWN. The US Market was down just 0.10% while the International Developed Market was down 0.66% and the

Government Shutdown – Will My Portfolio Go Down? You may have asked your advisor this question, googled this question, or just plain wondered “will my portfolio go down if the government shuts down?” The answer to this question is, probably not. This does not mean that you should not concern

thumbnail of Q2 Market Review

DOWNLOAD THE PDF Each quarter we put together a PowerPoint detailing how different markets performed over the last quarter. You will notice that in Quarter 2 of 2021 each equity market was up more than 5%, with Global Real Estate as the top performer at 10.17% and the lowest, the

<<DOWNLOAD THE PDF>> If you have an extra second, read Section III: Around the MWA Office for a few attaboys. Please skim Section II’s Warning label where I discuss today’s high valuations, look at some charts and graphs, and issue a possible developing bubble warning along with some recommended portfolio

What is an estate plan? Questions this article will help you answer: What is an estate plan? What is included in an estate plan? What are some benefits of an estate plan? How do I get started? One of the most overlooked aspect of a person’s financial plan can

DOWNLOAD THE PDF Happy New Year! I think 2020 is one of those years most of us are happy to have in the rearview mirror as COVID lockdowns destroyed markets early in the year, followed by record levels of global government stimulus which ultimately fueled amazing market rebounds. If we

thumbnail of Q4 Market Review

DOWNLOAD THE PDF Each quarter we put together a PowerPoint detailing how different markets performed over the last quarter. You will notice that in Quarter 4 of 2020 each equity market was up more than 10%, with the Emerging Markets as the top performer at 19.7% and the lowest, the

DOWNLOAD THE PDF Section I: Market Update Report Section II: MWA Quarterly Commentary Section II-A: The Elections and Market Timing Section III: Around the MWA Office Section IV: Articles of Value, Recommended Reading Section I: Market Update Report The 3rd quarter was a strong quarter for our investors, as markets

thumbnail of Q3 Market Review

DOWNLOAD THE PDF Each quarter we put together a PowerPoint detailing how different markets performed over the last quarter. You will notice that in Quarter 3 of 2020 each equity market was up more than 4.5%, with the Emerging Markets as the top performer at 9.56% and the lowest, International