I came across a great article today that can teach us principles for our financial lives and our lives in general. The article is from an interview with Carl Richards author of The Behavior Gap, (if you haven’t read it, I highly suggest it). The article discusses how focusing on
Here are some tips to jump-start your journey toward financial fitness this fall. Examine, or re-examine, your goals Many people struggle with commitment to a financial plan, but that is usually for one simple reason: Their financial goals were disconnected from their values. The best start to a financial fitness
Whether you are selecting a Trustee for a trust that is currently established or for a trust that will spring to life upon a certain event such as your death, you have many choices when it comes to selecting a Trustee. You can choose an individual such as a friend
October 2017 Costs matter. Whether you’re buying a car or selecting an investment strategy, the costs you expect to pay are likely to be an important factor in making any major financial decision. People rely on a lot of different information about costs to help inform these decisions. When you
October 2017 It will soon be the 10-year anniversary of when, in early October 2007, the S&P 500 Index hit what was its highest point before losing more than half its value over the next year and a half during the global financial crisis. Over the coming weeks and
Should You Refinance Your House Now? Here is my financial tip of the month! Make sure you check mortgage rates to see if you should be REFINANCING now! Rates fell precipitously last year and then popped up. Now they are giving you another chance to lock in these low
The following video by one of our peers at IFA does an outstanding job of explaining how Dimensional Fund Advisors’ methodology captures more of the 3 factors that drive higher expected returns. (Click HERE to see what the 3 Factor Model is) When compared to Vanguard and other index fund
Are Advisors Losing Faith In The Buy and Hold Approach Thesis: Both clients and advisors have a hard time letting markets work over the long run. It takes an incredible amount of discipline and patience to stock with a prudent, low-cost buy-and-hold approach when the world appears to be falling
Private Markets, Are they the right investment for you? Private markets have been shown to offer a premium to public equity markets because of their higher perceived risk and general lack of liquidity. Should qualified investors with a high net worth buy into private markets? This article will look at
When introducing evidence-based investing, we like to begin by explaining why we feel it’s the right strategy for those who are seeking to build or preserve their wealth in wild and woolly markets. Of course sensible strategy is best followed by practical implementation, so it’s also worth describing how we