Investment Tips for Regular People

Our previous post discussed some tips for financial planning, for a regular person. While those tips spoke about finances in general, here we are going to get into the nitty gritty, and deal specifically with tips for investing. Letā€™s jump right in, and get started! Thinking of paying off debt

Emotional investments

Emotions and Investment Common Mistake Investors Make Far and away, the biggest detractors from successful investing are emotional mistakes. Unfortunately, we see this frequently. When an investor makes a concentrated ā€œbetā€ into a specific investment, he often becomes emotionally attached to the investment. This eventually puts him in a no-win

Mills Wealth Advisors Fee

Mills Wealth Advisors refuse to be fee-only here is why At Mills Wealth Advisors, LLC, our team of Certified Financial Planning professionals are 100% committed to acting as fiduciaries, the highest legal standard in a client/advisor relationshipā€”a standard we believe all clients should demand! I believe any advice not delivered

private markets

Private Markets, Are they the right investment for you? Private markets have been shown to offer a premium to public equity markets because of their higher perceived risk and general lack of liquidity. Should qualified investors with a high net worth buy into private markets? This article will look at

looking back and moving forward and copy

ā€œFinancial Planningā€ā€¦. Such a scary term. Many people hear those words and have one of two reactions. ā€œFinancial Planning? Yeah, I know the basics, but it just takes so much to get it going, Iā€™m not sure itā€™s worth it. I also donā€™t have the time to be online all

When introducing evidence-based investing, we like to begin by explaining why we feel itā€™s the right strategy for those who are seeking to build or preserve their wealth in wild and woolly markets. Of course sensible strategy is best followed by practical implementation, so itā€™s also worth describing how we