I came across an article recently that I found to be profoundly timeless. I keep hearing about the new normal, and that times have changed. However, there are many things that have and will not change that I believe are being forgotten and sometimes swept under the rug. I hope

<<DOWNLOAD THE PDF>> If you have an extra second, read Section III: Around the MWA Office for a few attaboys.  Please skim Section II’s Warning label where I discuss today’s high valuations, look at some charts and graphs, and issue a possible developing bubble warning along with some recommended portfolio

thumbnail of Q1 Market Review

DOWNLOAD THE PDF Each quarter we put together a PowerPoint detailing how different markets performed over the last quarter. You will notice that in Quarter 1 of 2021 each equity market was up more than 2%, with the US Market as the top performer at 6.35% and the lowest, the

“How much do I need to retire” is one of the most common questions people have when it comes to their personal finances. Regardless of age, occupation, or socioeconomic status, most of us are wrestling with the same questions: How much is enough? How much do I need to be

WATCH THE VIDEO DOWNLOAD THE SLIDEDECK A few weeks ago we wrote an article titled “Is there Still Value in Value Investing”. Many people asked for more information regarding it, so we decided to make a video and slide deck about it. You can view the slide deck on SlideShare

Download the PDF Is there Still Value in Value Investing? January 15, 2021 Stephen Nelson, CFP® I read an article recently that I thought was very good, I’d like to share some thoughts on it. It coincides with part of our philosophy on investing. It’s regarding the value premium, which

DOWNLOAD THE PDF The year 2020 proved to be one of the most tumultuous in modern history, marked by a number of developments that were historically unprecedented. But the year also demonstrated the resilience of people, institutions, and financial markets. The novel coronavirus was already in the news early in

thumbnail of Q4 Market Review

DOWNLOAD THE PDF Each quarter we put together a PowerPoint detailing how different markets performed over the last quarter. You will notice that in Quarter 4 of 2020 each equity market was up more than 10%, with the Emerging Markets as the top performer at 19.7% and the lowest, the

DOWNLOAD THE PDF Most people believe that all 401(k) advisors serve the same role in a 401(k) plan. Sadly, this is far from the truth. When picking a financial advisor on your 401(k) it is important to understand the role they will play and how it will impact you as

If you are going to buy a new printer, I wouldn’t recommend you go talk with your attorney about which printer is best (unless you are worried about your liability). Yes, attorneys use printers probably more than any other professional you know, but are they qualified to tell you which