DOWNLOAD THE PDF Spring is here and symbolizes a fresh start and new life. We hope this theme continues throughout 2023 in the market as well. Though the markets are up in 2023, it hasn’t been without volatility or headlines. Between banks failing and countries moving away from the dollar,

thumbnail of MWA 1st Quarter Market Review

DOWNLOAD THE PDF The market investing year of 2023 is off to a solid start. Despite some concerns with the liquidity of some banks, ALL equity and fixed income markets were positive in the first quarter. International Developed Stocks were up 8.02% over the quarter followed by the US Market

DOWNLOAD THE PDF The year 2022 was an interesting year in financial markets, as the US led the rest of the world in a transition from a zero-interest rate policy / (negative rates overseas) to a world where inflation resurfaced, spread across the globe as result of unprecedented government stimulus,

thumbnail of Annual Market Review 2022

DOWNLOAD THE PDF The year 2022 will be remembered as one of the most difficult years to invest for many reasons. Both stock and bonds markets were down over 10%. Both the US and Emerging Markets were down about 20% while Global Real Estate was down nearly 25%! Even the

We have a few clients with 678 Trusts and have found them to be an interesting estate planning technique. A 678 trust, also known as a qualified terminable interest property (QTIP) trust, is a type of trust that is commonly used in estate planning. This type of trust allows an

 “The key to making money in stocks is not to get scared out of them.”       -Peter Lynch DOWNLOAD THE PDF I hope the end of the 3rd quarter finds you and your family well.  I don’t know if it is my age or the heat radiating off my beautiful

thumbnail of Quarterly Market Review Q3 2022

The Third Quarter Was not Friendly to Investors For the second quarter in a row, all markets were down. You’ll notice that ALL Equity, Real Estate Markets, AND Bonds were down, again. This is the second quarter in a row that the Quarter, YTD, and 1-year returns for ALL markets are

A donor advised fund (DAF) is a type of charitable giving program that allows donors to make a charitable contribution, receive an immediate tax deduction, and then recommend grants from the fund to their favorite charities over time. In other words, it’s a way for donors to give to charity

Do you have a long-lost 401(k) or retirement account left with a former employer? Maybe it’s been so long that you can’t even remember? With over 24 million “forgotten” 401(k) accounts holding roughly $1.35 trillion in assets, even the most organized professional may be surprised to learn of their unclaimed

STEPHEN NELSON AWARDED THE ACCREDITED INVESTMENT FIDUCIARY¼ DESIGNATION FROM Fi360 SOUTHLAKE, TX 9/28/2022 – Stephen Nelson of Mills Wealth Advisors has been awarded the Accredited Investment Fiduciary¼ (AIF¼) Designation from the Center for Fiduciary Studies¼, the standards-setting body for Fi360, a Broadridge company. The AIF¼ Designation signifies specialized knowledge of