DOWNLOAD THE PDF The beautiful spring weather of April is here, and it’s hard to believe that another quarter has come and gone. This quarter marks a significant milestone for Mills Wealth Advisors, as it was 25 years ago that the firm was founded. In that time we have seen

We are thrilled to share that Stephen Nelson, a cornerstone of our team, has been honored with the prestigious D Magazine’s Best Financial Planners for 2023. This accolade is a testament to Stephen’s expertise, dedication, and the strategies he employs to ensure our clients’ are well taken care of. His

DOWNLOAD THE PDF Happy new year!  As we enter 2024, I want to cover a few key concepts that are deeply embedded into how Mills Wealth thinks about protecting and growing your portfolio in a manner that offers investors a very high probability of success.  Investing is a risky business,

The 4th quarter was quite the rollercoaster ride. The first month saw the market move down quite a bit, only to be followed by one of the best Novembers EVER recorded. Both Bond and Stock Markets across the world were sharply up in the 4th Quarter with Global Real Estate

DOWNLOAD THE PDF Summer just won’t go away, but I think Fall is finally sneaking into North Texas.  On the weekends I smell barbecue cooking at the Southlake Dragon high school football tailgates & the same goes for the college pregame tailgates on Saturdays (and the post-game parties afterwards.)  Wyoming

August is National “Make a Will” Month, and it’s a great annual reminder to update your will if needed and create a will if you don’t have one already. A will is an important estate-planning document that can help you transfer your assets with ease. Having a proper will can


I hope you are managing to stay cool. For those of you that aren’t in Texas, I’m either getting older or it feels like Texas is sinking closer to Hades. My daughter that is in college in Wyoming came home for a few weeks and

I know it’s mid-year of 2023, but are you thinking about your taxes and financial strategies for 2026? If not, you should be.  We had this conversation with a client who is planning on selling their business soon, and they were surprised to hear that 2026 is such an important

The traditional retirement age in the United States is 65, the age at which most people are eligible to begin receiving full Social Security benefits. But many people feel the allure of leaving the workforce much sooner. Many Americans are deciding to retire earlier than planned, whether by choice or

PAYING YOUR KIDS AS A BUSINESS OWNER Paying your children may be one of the most underutilized tax strategies of small businesses owners. Yes, you can hire your children to work for you, and you’re able to pay them a legitimate wage. There are multiple planning opportunities that become available