DOWNLOAD THE PDF I look forward to writing this market update to share with our clients and our friends what we saw in the market over the past three months and what we see looking forward to the first quarter and the year 2025. I can’t believe another year has

DOWNLOAD THE PDF Each quarter, I look forward to writing this market update to share with our clients and our friends what we saw in the market over the past three months and what we see looking forward. It feels like time is in fast forward as the quarter end

By now, you have likely seen that markets across the world have been dropping on what is being called by some Black Monday 2, although that is a bit of an exaggeration. The original Black Monday occurred on October 19, 1987, when the Dow dropped 22.6% in one day. Today,

DOWNLOAD THE PDF Greetings from Tanzania, Africa. The family and I are escaping the heat and taking a once in a lifetime trip to Africa to witness all of nature’s wonder via the Wildebeests’ great migration across the Serengeti.  I tried to send this a couple times, but 3G internet

Mills Wealth Financial Advisors - Wealth Family Southlake

The 2nd quarter of 2024 was an interesting quarter to say the least. It started with a negative April, where stocks across the world were down. Which was followed by a hot may where we saw stocks soar positive to ultimately flatten out in the month of June.   Leading

DOWNLOAD THE PDF The beautiful spring weather of April is here, and it’s hard to believe that another quarter has come and gone. This quarter marks a significant milestone for Mills Wealth Advisors, as it was 25 years ago that the firm was founded. In that time we have seen

We are thrilled to share that Stephen Nelson, a cornerstone of our team, has been honored with the prestigious D Magazine’s Best Financial Planners for 2023. This accolade is a testament to Stephen’s expertise, dedication, and the strategies he employs to ensure our clients’ are well taken care of. His

DOWNLOAD THE PDF Happy new year! As we enter 2024, I want to cover a few key concepts that are deeply embedded into how Mills Wealth thinks about protecting and growing your portfolio in a manner that offers investors a very high probability of success. Investing is a risky business,

The 4th quarter was quite the rollercoaster ride. The first month saw the market move down quite a bit, only to be followed by one of the best Novembers EVER recorded. Both Bond and Stock Markets across the world were sharply up in the 4th Quarter with Global Real Estate

DOWNLOAD THE PDF Summer just won’t go away, but I think Fall is finally sneaking into North Texas. On the weekends I smell barbecue cooking at the Southlake Dragon high school football tailgates & the same goes for the college pregame tailgates on Saturdays (and the post-game parties afterwards.) Wyoming