Knowing how much cash you have coming in and how much is going out is important, but knowing why and where the money is going is another level of awareness most don’t take the time to dissect. Whether you’re a business owner or non-business owner planning for retirement, having a

I recently read an article on the US Debt Ceiling and thought it was did a great job explaining what’s going on. Below I have summarized the the article and posted a link to the PDF. I hope you enjoy it. US Debt Ceiling Info and History The US debt

Unlocking Retirement Wealth: The Power of the Solo 401(k) and Backdoor Roth IRA When it comes to investing for retirement, there’s a plethora of choices at our disposal. The options may range from traditional IRAs, 401(k)s, and Roth IRAs, to lesser-known alternatives such as the Solo 401(k) and Backdoor Roth

Common Tax Penalties & How to Mitigate Them With Tax Day officially behind us, I’m sure many people feel like a weight has been lifted off their shoulders (at least until next April).   However, some people might be left confused after filing their return. Why am I incurring

In Today’s world, a world without pensions and worries about the future of Medicare and Social Security, saving for your retirement is a critical part of financial planning, and for many people, a 401(k) plan is a large component of that plan. A 401(k) plan allows individuals to save money

The Tax Cuts & Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA) capped the deduction of state and local taxes at $10,000 for tax years 2018-2025. This most affected the states that have high property taxes, in that, if you paid $15,000 in property taxes for the year, you could only deduct up

Managing finances can be a daunting task, and it’s not something that everyone can do well. Many people turn to financial advisors to get help in navigating the complex world of investments, savings, and planning. However, just choosing an advisor isn’t enough, it’s essential to choose the right financial advisor

DOWNLOAD THE PDF Spring is here and symbolizes a fresh start and new life. We hope this theme continues throughout 2023 in the market as well. Though the markets are up in 2023, it hasn’t been without volatility or headlines. Between banks failing and countries moving away from the dollar,

Many people have heard the term “Health Savings Account” or “HSA”, but not many people know how, or why, this type of account can be so beneficial to your financial plan. What is an HSA? HSAs are a type of savings account that allow you to set aside money to

thumbnail of MWA 1st Quarter Market Review

DOWNLOAD THE PDF The market investing year of 2023 is off to a solid start. Despite some concerns with the liquidity of some banks, ALL equity and fixed income markets were positive in the first quarter. International Developed Stocks were up 8.02% over the quarter followed by the US Market