143 million americans affected by equifax hack

Last week, Equifax, 1 of the 3 largest credit card monitoring companies, announced that hackers stole half of the US population’s Social Security numbers in what will likely end up being one of the worst data breaches in history.   Below we have listed simple steps we think our clients

vanguard funds vs dimensional funds in ifa portfolios

The following video by one of our peers at IFA does an outstanding job of explaining how Dimensional Fund Advisors’ methodology captures more of the 3 factors that drive higher expected returns. (Click HERE to see what the 3 Factor Model is) When compared to Vanguard and other index fund

disability increase

Question: My Disability policy has an automatic increase rider built into the policy. Each year we receive a premium increase of $100 for benefit increase of $320. Should we accept this increase or decline the increase?   Answer: That’s a good question and as with most answers in financial planning

saving for college

A great article on facts about financial aid eligibility. Check it out HERE Enjoy!

right questions about investing

In the article below, Peter hits the nail on the head with his point about cost. Many articles fiercely debate which is better: active management or passive management. Attempting to out-guess other portfolio managers (active management), these articles often promote index funds (a form of passive management) as superior to

Investment Tips for Regular People

Our previous post discussed some tips for financial planning, for a regular person. While those tips spoke about finances in general, here we are going to get into the nitty gritty, and deal specifically with tips for investing. Let’s jump right in, and get started! Thinking of paying off debt

Mills Wealth Advisors - retirement planning for retirees

Have you ever wondered why a blindfolded monkey can often beat professional money managers?  This short article helps explain why. Enjoy!

Mills Wealth Advisors - wealth management

Are Advisors Losing Faith In The Buy and Hold Approach Thesis: Both clients and advisors have a hard time letting markets work over the long run. It takes an incredible amount of discipline and patience to stock with a prudent, low-cost buy-and-hold approach when the world appears to be falling

Mills Wealth Advisors - Forbes logo

We are honored to be quoted in Forbes about one of the innovative strategies we are using in our back office to increase transparency into our successful time-tested investment process. The Core+ methodology™  uses academics, and the peer review process to filter and test the best ideas from academia. We

Mills Wealth Advisors - Investment Returns

At MWA, one of our core investing beliefs is that risk and return are related. As such, there are three known investment factors that offer higher returns to long-term, patient investors. One of these factors is that small companies offer nearly a 3% annual premium compared to big companies. While this is well